Thursday 20 August 2015

Great example of the creative process in action!

Here is a great example of the creative process at work.
As Marc Yates does his research he is accessing and using visual stuff, physical stuff (through walks in the landscape), and allowing his intuitive (big picture) and more logical (the details) thinking to entangle and work themselves out.
There is patience and acceptance that the creative process should not be rushed; Marc is willing and able to give his subconscious the time and space it needs to mature his thoughts.
Significantly, his creative process uses different techniques: making sketches and audio recordings, and reflecting upon his thoughts. The creative outputs will also be multiple: pictures and music, and they will most probably influence each other. 
Lastly, there is discipline and a focus upon and a progress towards outputs.
Quite a lot described in 4 minutes!
Thanks Marc!

Stop press!

I have now analysed Marc's creative process in depth and explored how his habits and approaches can be adopted by us all. You can read my analysis here.

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